Virtual zoom dance for San Diego

July 29, 2021

Band: Pre-recorded music

  Dance Name Author Variants/comments
1 Henry's Other Hornpipe Gary Roodman B2: Two-hand turn moves up
2 In the Fields of Frost and Snow Playford 1710 Final cast becomes cloverleaf turn single
3 Bonny Kate of Perth 1718 Walsh 3-couple set
Final cloverleaf changed to cast to top
4 Heybreak Me Half poussette is done out and back to place
5 Knives and Forks Playford 1726 B2: Two-hand turn moves up
6 Marina Elizabeth Zekley Mirror turn only 1 around
7 Gold for the Mahieus Philippe Callens Three-couple set, twos active
Final single file promenade replaced with wide cast to middle
8 Filigree Rosemary Loch Neighbor California twirl replaced with turn alone
9 Halsway Manners Mary Devlin 3-couple set, twos active
Mirror turns only 1 around
10 Indian Summer Elizabeth Goosen B: Partner pass right replaced with diagonally cross up to place
11 Corell's Maggot Cathy&John Miller B1: Full figure eight down

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