Virtual zoom dance for San Diego

March 11, 2021

Band: Pre-recorded music

  Dance Name Author Variants/comments
1 Childgrove Playford 1703 B1: Partner two-hand turn 1
2 Rufty Tufty Playford 1651 2 couple set
3 The Bonny Cuckoo Gail Ticknor 4-couple set
Active couple does all of A1, .
4 Spring in Sebastopol Philippe Callens called by Martha Wild
5 Sweet Mischief Brooke Friendly/Chris Sacket called by Martha Wild
6 California Sunshine Gary Roodman Final cast changed to cloverleaf turn single
7 The Long Odds Preston 1791 No cast in B1/
8 Halsway Manners Mary Devlin 3-couple set
Arm turns in C changed to 1.
9 Margaret's Waltz Pat Shaw Final waltz done in place
10 A Trip to Paris Walsh 1711 Final cast turned into cloverleaf
11 Elizabeth Colin Hume D fudged.

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