Poway, CA

September 18, 2011

Pre-recorded music

  Dance Name Author Variants/comments
1 Rafe's Waltz Victor Skowronski  
2 The Geud Man of Ballangigh Playford 1696 called by Liz Tarnove
3 Zephyrs and Flora Walsh 1715 called by Karin Norlin
4 The Black Nag Playford 1670 Three-couple set
5 Marina Elizabeth Zekley  
6 Kelsterne Gardens Young 1727 Three-couple set
7 Another Nancy's Fancy Pat Shaw  
8 Barbarini's Tambourine Walsh 1741 called by Patrick Burns
9 Childgrove Playford 1703 called by Liz Tarnove
10 Newcastle Playford 1651 Dance of the month
Four-couple square
11 Filigree Rosemary Loch  
12 Vivaldi in Paradise Gary Roodman  
13 Turn of the Tide Ron Coxall  

My first experience with "winging it" program-wise at an ECD dance. I was a last-minute sub for the regular caller who was sick, in this case last-minute being ninety minutes before the dance. After Subway dinner and travel time, that left half an hour for programming the first half, and the break was absorbed with studying Newcastle, as I'd never danced or called it before. (Thanks to Ellie for bringing instructions and music.) I took my time with Newcastle, but dancers seemed to get it, partly thanks to some having done it the previous month at some LA ball review sessions.

A number of pre-programmed apprentice caller slots made the load easier.

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