San Diego, CA (UCSD)

October 18, 2010

Band: Flight Path

  Dance Name Author Variants/comments
1 Black Cat Mixer Martha Wild Circle mixer
La Bastringue variant
2 Haste to the Wedding Traditional  
3 Family Contra Sherry Nevins  
4 Atlantic Mixer A.J. Hildenbrand Circle mixer
5 Tecumseh Dillon Bustin Cis Hinkle variant:
Half figure eights replaced by leads and casts.
6 Ted's Triplet #3 Ted Sannella Triplet
7 Housewarming Jacob Bloom Triplet
B2: Do-si-do, swing partner

The first dance for a potential dance series at UCSD. A lot of the students tired out after about the hour/ hour and a half mark.

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